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商品名 RAIL-B02
商品コード 1000008454
品目コード QNA-RAIL-B02
JANコード 0885022008698
メーカー QNAP
メーカーURL http://www.qnap.com/jp/index.asp
想定売価(税込) 要ログイン
仕切価格(税抜) 要ログイン
(注:在庫、価格は2025/03/03 20:38時点のものです)
Rail kit for rackmount models
Applied Model: TS-463U, TS-463U-RP,TS-863U, TS-863U-RP, TS-1263U, TS-1263U-RP, TS-431XU, TS-431XU-RP, TS-831XU, TS-831XU-RP, TS-1231XU, TS-1231XU-RP, TVS-471U/471U-RP, TVS-871U/871U-RP, TVS-1271U/1271U-RP

Please make sure the server racks conform to the following criteria:

1. Rack size
A. Mounting post width: ≥ 17.8"/451mm
B. Panel width: ≥ 19.1"/485mm
C. Mounting post depth: 18" ~ 32"/443mm~815mm
D. The distance between two rack posts is 18.3"/465mm (center-to-center measurement of the rack's square holes).

2. The optional rack kits for rack mount models are only compatible with square-hole server racks.


Rack Slide Rail Kit for TVS-471U & other 2U series models
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